All posts by Chad Robert Parker

“Before Prom: A Paradox” By Chad Robert Parker

My first date ever was Prom. Actually it was the date to get our After Prom tee-shirts. Yup, you could say my first date was three dates in one. It might seem strange but the formal event of Prom was my best opportunity for experimenting with High School dating.

A regular date holds more unwritten expectation to become boyfriend and girlfriend. Needless to say the dating world’s expectations are messed up. It’s not that young men don’t want to commit to a woman, when many girls at that stage feel vulnerable with the need to be valued by a relationship, but rather that some boys, like me, prefer to learn from the experiences of going on several dates and getting to know what type of girl we are interested in, before we are held to the perfection of dating exclusively forever after. Prom lets you practice all aspects of a date in one go, without all of the commitment paradox. It’s the drinking from a firehouse analogy, but it is what it is. That’s the context for my story.

My date nervously combed her hand through her long nest-like strands of white blond hair. She didn’t have much to say. I kept thinking of topics, one after another, but I didn’t get much play out of anything. We drove over a railroad track and my keys popped out onto her lap and slid off to the floor. She screamed. I laughed and asked her if she could hand me the key. She was distracted, confused about why the car was still running. Half of the key was long since broken off in the ignition. A screwdriver could start it (family secret blown). Then I killed the engine on accident and really did need the key to continue. It was the most entertainment we had.

It was funny because at Prom–driving a nicer car I was less familiar with–I fogged up the windshield. I had to pull over. My good friend, her twin brother, teased me for weeks, saying I tried to take advantage of his sister, twice.

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“Negotiating Love” By Chad Robert Parker

My date asked if I wanted to leave before the crowd. Finally, I could be alone with her, away from my group of season ticket holding friends. We exited the stadium but not before 60,000 fans flooded out into the street with us, going every which way. So much for being alone, but here was the perfect chance to hold her hand.

We tried to keep close to one another through the mass of humanity. I spoke a casual word or two of conversation but we almost had to shout over the commotion. I was too nervous to just take her hand. This was only number two of our eight dates, after all. Neither her nor I had ever had a relationship with anyone before. I asked her if I could hold her hand. She timidly said “Yes.” Then she took the next words right out of my mouth, “I wouldn’t want to lose you.”

I was caught off guard. It was exactly what I had hoped she was feeling too, but wanting to be original, I didn’t know how to return the sentiment in kind. Suddenly I realized I was taking our date to a whole new level. My head started spinning. I was excited but I doubted. Was she even okay with this? Did this mean we would be a couple soon?

We barely crossed the street when we found ourselves at a crossroads. She asked me the time. I told her I didn’t rightly know. I was lost in the moment. It felt like no one else was around anymore, just her and me. She freed her hand of mine to check her watch, then seeing what she had done, she apologized, but didn’t take my hand again. It was getting late. We had spent the better part of the day together. Now here we were unsure of how to get back to where we had progressed. I wondered if I should take her hand again. I should have! Instead I felt it a sign of respect to let her make the next forward move. She never did.

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How it began

My goal is to write short blog posts each week about being an author on this website,, about my company and writing services at, and about random short stories (or memories) as I contribute to the contest held on First, however, I need to update all three websites. But stay tuned. The fun of it for me is in the writing because content is king after all. It’s coming soon!

Here I would like to give readers a “behind the scenes” look at my work, and more specifically, at this time, how Sterling Bridge came to be. I think it is fitting because Sterling Bridge is a film novel and what better way to start off than with a theme for my new author website that represents my first publication. That’s right, a film novel, meaning there is a screenplay already written for this book. That is not to say, however, that I am set on following the script to the “T.” Sterling Bridgethe novel–is just getting into the editing phase, itself, after all.

One thing I am going to like about writing this blog is that it will be more free flowing. Forgive me if you expected an author to be more nit-picky about edits. But I am getting ahead of myself. This post is just to introduce you to the idea that my blog will largely focus on the long journey it has been to bring my first published work to the shelves (15 years in the making). And yes, I will like to keep you apprised of the latest happenings, as well, as we continue the journey toward November 10th.

There is much to do ahead of a book launch party. I hope you can come along for the ride and enjoy this journey with me. Having worked in a library the past 7 years I can truly appreciate how much book lovers are involved in bringing a great story to the shelves. With your interest and support I hope I will be able author many more great books to come!

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“My Longest Speech” By Chad Robert Parker

As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I have had ample opportunities for public speaking. Members give talks every week in the main hour of church. It is a little nerve-racking and inevitably many of the speakers crack jokes about their unease and inadequacy before a public setting.

It is also a lay ministry, meaning that average members of the church are called upon to serve as teachers and leaders. As the Sunday School President me and my counselors were asked to speak one given Sunday. My counselors were becoming more and more dependable but they did not always come to church. I wasn’t sure if I could count on them to be there so I prepared a longer talk, just in case. I remember the topic was gratitude. When I saw my counselors at church I gratefully trimmed down my words. My counselors, however, did not take all of the time allotted them. I realized I would have 25 minutes to speak. As a youth I could barely muster the 5 minutes given me so this was going to be a stretch. I found that I had lots to be thankful for though, and the time went by quickly.

After publishing my first novel, “Sterling Bridge,” I enjoyed a few speaking engagements. The Sons of Utah Pioneers had me present for 30 minutes. The Historical Society asked me to speak for an hour and then conduct a 30 minute question and answer session. I am happy to say that I did not disappoint on both accounts. I think it was informative not just rambling on and on, but whatever the case I am learning how to communicate both short and long formats.

My book had to be concisely written as a film novel around 100 pages, my next book will be closer to 250 pages. The goal will always be to occupy space and time with meaningful sentiment not just filler words. At some point I will reach my limit for the longest length of a writing project, but as for speaking I think I already have met my limit.

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“Squawking in the Shower” By Chad Robert Parker

There is a significant gap in years between my youngest brother and the rest of us. Much of the time he had the quietude of my parent’s home all to himself. I think he often used those hours to develop his guitar playing skills. My parents had told him that he was a good singer just like me, his brother. He surely aspired to at least as much, if not wanting to see if he were even better.

Who doesn’t sing in the shower? When I came back from college one summer I acted like I had not heard my brother come in to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Here was his chance to compare. It’s not easy to fake it, but I sang as off-key and as awful as I could. I can only imagine what my brother was thinking or the facial expressions he was making as he tried to determine if my horrible tune was in earnest or not.

Later my mom asked me if I was just playing around with him because my brother had asked her that very thing. She was sure that if it was bad singing that it was me just being funny. They had a good laugh over that, because he really wasn’t sure if I was being serious or not and he didn’t want to ask me directly and risk hurting my feelings.

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“Zombie Walking” By Chad Robert Parker

One of my brothers used to sleepwalk all of the time. He was so dead to the world that he looked more like a zombie. In fact, when you asked him what he was doing or where he was going he would always stare right through you with the most crazed murderer type look you can think of.

There is a saying that you shouldn’t disturb a sleepwalker, unless they are endangering themselves. I can’t remember exactly why they say that is, but in the case of my brother we liked that advice. There were times he would walk right into my room and investigate my closet. Harmless enough, right?

Several times he tried getting outside. My parents would usually catch him fiddling with the lock. One time, however, I remember him walking barefoot right out into the snow in the dark of night. When they woke him up he was a little bit angry to have been woken up but more confused than anything. It was like he was in a trance on a mission to reach an unknown destination. It was the strangest thing, funny at times, but usually a cause for alarm. We all came to expect the unexpected when he was up and about at night, and like it or not, from then on we were all expected to wake him up and walk him back to bed no matter how grumpy he was about his REM cycle being interrupted.

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“Double Whammy” by Chad Robert Parker

My church has a fathers and sons campout every year. It is a good time to get out by the campfire and for men and boys to share guy time. Between the hard ground and kids playing through the night the dads don’t expect to get much sleep, but one campout stands out more than all of the others, for the fact that only two people seem to have gotten a good night’s sleep.

The next morning my dad kept asking all the other campers if they had heard those two bears on the far side of camp. Everyone knew what he was talking about. Two men whose kids knew they were loud snorers told their fathers they had to share a tent. They obliged. In fact, they didn’t seem to notice or mind at all. The cadence was actually rather rhythmic, perfectly in concert with one another. When my dad asked them if they heard the loud grunts of what sounded like a couple bears battling each other through the night, they were the only ones who didn’t know what he was talking about. They said they hadn’t heard a thing.

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“Stung twice a day” by Chad Robert Parker

When I was little I was stung by one bee and that was only because I stepped on a dead bee on the sidewalk when I was walking around bare foot. I don’t envy beekeepers, but I expect they get used to being stung. As an adult there was a time in my life that I got stung my fair share as well.

You would not believe how many wasps nests are on billboards. When I worked on billboards I learned that during the hot season I would need to get used to being bit (my equivalent to being stung), on average, twice a day. A couple cans of spray can take out 100’s of wasps in a day, but inevitably I didn’t have any spray left by the last board or two. Maybe you have seen me running across the top of a billboard I was working on and swatting at my head. Yes, it is exactly what it looks like.

Whenever we posted a sign that read something like “honk if you like…” we would quickly realize how many people actually do notice us up there working above the roadways. I’m sure several got a good laugh at us running from wasps just as it is depicted in the movies. It wasn’t so funny for me in the moment unless I was seeing my co-worker whacking his own head rather than me, but now that I am far away from that position it is rather hilarious looking back on my own bouts with the bee family.


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“As Luck Would Have It” By Chad Robert Parker

The bell rang and the weekend arrived. One of my few Catholic high school friends sanctimoniously clasped his hands as a gesture for me to pray. He laughed jeeringly, but all in good fun. I taunted him with a lame come back telling him his luck had run out because it wasn’t St. Patrick’s day.

We lived a few hours south of South Bend, Indiana and most my friends, Catholic or not, would be cheering for the Fighting Irish in the BYU vs. Notre Dame football game that Saturday of October 15, 1994. My friend in a more sportsmanlike gesture then wished me “good luck,” quickly followed by, “you’ll need it.” BYU would need it. Notre Dame had whooped us bad the previous two meetings in 1992 and 1993. I started thinking I didn’t want any part of this “Holy War.” Give me back my traditional rivalry game where we were 19-3 in the LaVell Edwards era going back to 1972.

Nonetheless, I had a sneaking suspicion my team would give The Green Machine more than they bargained for. Sure BYU was leaving me feeling blue in past meetings but they were looking good that particular year with a 5-1 record to start the season. Besides Notre Dame’s storied program surely had to have a down game, if not a down year, every once in a while.

As fate would have it BYU came to play with everything they had and finally did pull off the away victory by one touchdown, 21-14.

My friends couldn’t believe it. For them BYU was now on the map. I was happy I didn’t have to eat my words.

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“Blood Drops” By Chad Robert Parker

I was the fastest kid on the block. I never did try out for track. It was sort of a pride thing. Some said I was faster than anyone my age they had ever seen in a foot race. The next test for the neighborhood, as the kids gathered around, was to see if I could outrun a bike.

They picked my brother for the challenge to take me on. He is just a year younger than me. It was a perfect way for him to prove himself so he wasn’t going to go easy on me. I suppose he was a little nervous, as well as excited for the opportunity. No one wants to be outdone in a sprint when you have the advantage of a bike. Our adrenaline was pumping.

One kid stood off to the side and counted down. Ready! Set! Go!

I took off like a shot. It took my brother a moment to get the pedals going, but once he was up to speed he zipped right by me. I couldn’t run any faster. We were already past the halfway point, but there was a chance I could still win. I built a couple twists into our race. We would have to go up the Rudiger’s driveway, turn around and come back to the start point. I knew he would have to slow down to make the turns and negotiate the hill. I didn’t plan to do the same.

The kids were cheering when I passed him at the bottom of the driveway. I looked back as I returned to the bottom of the driveway again to see he hadn’t finished the turn at the top. I had a chance. Then I slipped on pine needles and split my forehead open.

I cried all the way back to the house, holding my bloody forehead. I distinctly remember my older brother and his friend counting behind me…42, 43, 44. I felt faint. I didn’t know what they were counting until I got inside. Apparently I left a lot of blood drops in my wake.




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