All posts by Chad Robert Parker

“Car Seat Campers” By Kirsten Baillargeon

We were traveling from North Carolina to South Dakota for a Family Reunion. Due to our lack of funds we needed to camp each night. The first stop at my brother’s house was for 2 nights. So far the trip had been uneventful. Then we headed across Indiana. We crossed into Missouri with the intent of camping near Whitman Air Force Base. We showered at the gym and headed back off base after stopping at the Commissary to shop for groceries. After cooking dinner at the State Park, right off base, we settled in our tent to sleep.

Alura our 3 year old Daughter began to cry. We tried to comfort her. Still she cried. Finally we put her back into the car into her car seat. She promptly went to sleep. This was repeated every night of our drive. Upon arriving at our campsite and meeting up with the rest of the family Alura met her older cousins and her youngest uncle. Alura slept just fine but only in their tent with them.

Upon returning home, once again every night we stopped, Alura would cry until she was returned to her car seat. She wanted her “Wawy,” “Anroo” or “Dedee” these three who she would sleep and camp for.

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“My Dragon ‘Frost Bite'” By Alura Baillargeon

In the cold frosty air, on one winter eve, there lived a small boy huddled under an opening to a cave. As the wind picked up, snow begun to swirl in flurries.

A full day had passed since I had arrived here and without the warmth of a fire I would probably have frozen a while back. Yet with no where to go, and no where I can go, if the frost don’t get me than starvation will. So unless someone finds me, I’ll slowly meet my doom. As I slowly wake from my sleeping stupor, I notice giant blue wings and a frost brownish copper body that had eyes as blue as the winter sky. As well as claws the size of a full grown man.

Then the creature spoke saying, “I am a mighty dragon called Frost Bite.” I heard in many legends about such creatures but never believed that I would see one in all my life. “Boy what is your name, and call me by mine for I am no creature. I told you my name , now use it,” she said.

That’s when I ask, “You can hear my thoughts?”

“Yes but only some boy, now your name?”

“It’s Mace, just that.” I said.

After that Frost Bite told me how I had magic in my veins, and how I could learn Dragon magic and from today on I’ll be taken care of by him, by a dragon. I know it sounds crazy yet I had no where to be or go so I live with this dragon called Frost Bite.

(This is a story I made up, pretending with my toy dragon, Frost Bite.).


(Story by permission of her mom).

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“Digging Like a Dog” By Evie Hammer

I had stitches on my forehead. They put a little paper over my face, but not over my eyes. I got to have a little prize when I was done.

I got the cut from a shovel. My sister, Bria, was digging with the shovel. I was digging like a dog. When I bent down to dig, while Bria was digging with the shovel, I hit my head on the shovel and cut it.

(Story by permission of her mom).

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“Eternal Blind Date” By Kathy Burningham

High School Preference Ball – my date fell through. College Preference Ball – my sister couldn’t get the guy she wanted to go with her. He thought she was kidding because he was younger. She asked someone else, then he realized she meant it and agreed to go. She said, “then go with my little sister.” What could he say? We were both (he & I) scared and nervous, but we had a great time.

45 years later we are still having a great time!

(Note: Lots more details that make it a fun story, but it’s too long to share it all here).

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“Kindergarten Halloween” By Diana Hammer

Well at our kindergarten Halloween Party I was Unikitty from the Lego Movie. We got to play a game pretending we were witches. I got to make a witches brew. We read a story about a witch in a haunted house. We played a game with marshmallows and we pretended they were ghosts. That night I went trick or treating with my sister and mom and dad. I got so much candy!

(Story by permission of her mom).

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“Forgettable Birthdays” By Athena Hammer

My boyfriend told us that his family would frequently forget his birthdays or special occasions. Once they even forgot to pick him up from the airport when he came home from study abroad in Japan. I didn’t really believe him that it could be that often or really such special occasions like a birthday. That all changed when we went to visit his family the week that his birthday fell on. He hadn’t seen his family for six months!

The morning of his birthday I wished him Happy Birthday first thing. We spent the day with his family. It was pretty uneventful. The funniest highlight was mailing a birthday card to his brother in Taiwan; his birthday was a few days later.

Shortly before we headed to bed his dad said, “Oh yeah, it’s your birthday today! Happy Birthday, Austin!”

No fears, when we got back to friends and college the next week we all threw him a surprise party and from then on we always believed his stories! That is still one of the most unforgettable birthdays for me!

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“Two Guys One Turkey” By Chad Robert Parker

My brother and I did Thanksgiving together last year. Yup, just two single guys. By the title you might be wondering which one of us was the turkey, but we actually went all out and had a full on turkey dinner. At this point in the story there are surely some who feel bad for us, thinking you would feel lonely in that situation, but I have fond memories of last year. We had a great time giving thanks!

Turns out my brother and I are decent cooks. We had mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, orange rolls, cranberry sauce, olives, pickles, pies, and I’m sure I’m missing something. Oh yes, the turkey. I was in charge of that. I had cooked up ham before and pot roast, but I had only ever helped with the turkey. I figured I knew the gist of cooking it. I never even thought I could buy the wrong turkey. No, it wasn’t a live turkey with feathers still on it, or a spoiled carcass or anything crazy like that. It was actually already cooked and then frozen again.

Turns out a pre-smoked turkey is really good and it only takes an hour’s baking to revive it to great succulent, steamy, peal-off-the-bone-meat. Yeah, it cost us a little bit more but it was a good meal. We had more than any two guys could want. I would do it again, that way, but I’m ready to enjoy a spectacular Thanksgiving with more family this year, including my wife from the Philippines. This will be her first experience with the Thanksgiving Day cooking adventure. We’re leaving the turkey to the experts. We’re bringing the pies! Happy Thanksgiving!!

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“Bouncing Off Trees,” By Chad Robert Parker

My family has lots of moments we wished we had on camera. We were constantly saying we needed something funny that happened on tape so we could send it in to America’s Funniest Home Videos. My favorite was when we had the missionaries serving in our church area over for Thanksgiving one year. Only that time we were recording everything from the boring meal time itself to the after dinner exercise.

We got some footage of bouncing each other on the trampoline but the real fun begun somewhat unexpectedly with our 35 foot rope swing. My brothers and I had become expert at jumping off stumps, wrapping around trees, raising our feet up on the side of the tree, and swinging back around toward the original launch point. We gave the missionaries a try.

“Get your feet up! Get your feet up!” We warned. Without fail, three different missionaries slammed up against the tree, wound up in between the rope and the tree, and then waited for it to uncoil and release them. The awkward position would inevitably loose their grip and send them sliding down the trunk to the ground writhing in pain.

It was definitely the kind of slapstick humor that needed to be on AFV but we never sent it in.

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“No Movie is Worse than…” By Chad Robert Parker

The voice of the comic book guy on the Simpsons is swirling through my head, saying “Worst movie ever!” Usually if you ask me my opinion on what is my favorite this or what is the worst that, it might be a toss up, but not in this case. One movie stands out all on its own, “High Strung,” from 1991.

It may be one of those moments when you have to be there to really understand how bad it is. You might even feel tempted now to watch this movie. Don’t! Take my word for it. You know what it is like to keep watching something because you figure it just has to get better. It doesn’t! As I sat there watching this irritable guy complaining to the camera about anything and everything in the narrow scope of this film, including a fly flying around the room, I realized there was more entertainment in the boring room around me than was contained in the film. I lay there watching my brothers raised eyebrows and my mom asking us what the movie was about in between busying herself preparing food. We couldn’t even explain what the movie was about except to say he, the only person we had seen on screen, was waiting for something to happen at 8 o’clock. The plot is so lackluster that I can’t even explain to my friends just how far and away it is the worst movie I have ever sat through. Hint: Fast forward to the end. Something finally happens but its not worth waiting for in real time.

There is at least the disclaimer of a small budget, but this film is also the reason I can’t sit through most independent films unless they show early and often that they are different. Strangely enough Jim Carrey has a small role in “High Strung” in his early career. If I were him I would find all copies of this movie and destroy them out of existence. But hey, at least it gives this movie critic a definitive example of the worst movie I know of.

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Sterling Bridge: Tackling how to live among Mormons

Utah is a unique place. It is distinctly American. Yet its makeup, around 60% Mormons, is its biggest cultural identifying factor. It’s not just Utah that has its quirks though, plusses and minuses. I have lived in several states. Each had its own flavor. Everywhere I have been has things I liked more than others. These experiences helped me understand how to write “Sterling Bridge”, my novel based on the true story of Sterling Harris, who is credited for bridging two rival communities, making them as one despite stark differences, during the Great Depression. Living among Mormons is not as different a challenge today as you might think.

I have lived in California with its sunny coasts, active lifestyle, spendthrift exuberance, and frantic pace. It is a little too much city for me, but that’s just a personal preference as much of the rest of this paragraph will be. I liked Indiana more than I expected I would. The country life isn’t my style either, but I learned to enjoy the casual laid-back pleasures. I was in the minority there, being a part of the only Mormon family in town at first, still Christian but not of the predominant protestant born-again persuasion. What kind people they are in the heart of America’s farm country, who embraced us as one of their own. “Once a son of Covington always a son,” as my friends tell me when they beckon me to return and visit. We loved Texas as everyone does if you are there for any amount of time at all, but I was a little young. I just remember “the stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas.” It seemed everyone we met there wanted us to love Texas as much as they do. Great branding! I have also lived briefly in Idaho, a more frigid “little Utah” with very down-to-earth people and great outdoor vistas. My favorite state is Minnesota. Yeah, I know the first thing you think is that it is way too cold there. But the people in Minnesota embrace the unique differences of their setting. They are progressive. They get out and enjoy every distinct season. They celebrate winter with ice festivals and snow games, but they know spring and summer will come with hotter days–more than most realize–to go camp in its forests and enjoy its 10,000+ lakes. Oh, I also lived in the Philippines for two years serving a mission for my church. I love those people with a charity beyond all explanation, but I suppose it mostly originated out of serving them. They are a humble people. They have a distinct culture in their food, their climate, and their ways. They are a happy people. They taught me much to know about coming together as a people to love life and friends and family (and food), under any and all circumstances.

“Sterling Bridge” tackles the challenge of living among Mormons in a time and place where I imagine Mormons made up more than 80% of the people. If they could figure out how to get along back during the Great Depression when the disparity in people and practices was even greater, we most certainly can overcome any difficulties we face now. If you don’t live in Utah, as I didn’t spend much time here, myself, until about the last 15 years, it would be largely a mystery as to what it is like to live in Utah, based on the random information and stereotypes thrown about on the internet or in the media. Although the gem that is Utah is being discovered, for more than just its skiing, after the Olympics, and other highlights of the area, such as its thriving start-up business environment, and known spotlight figures ties to Utah, such as Mitt Romney.

When a film group made “Meet the Mormons,” they set out to the other side of the country, New York, with a simple question. What are Mormons? The main connecting word that came to mind was “Utah,” but there were very differing ideas about what goes on in the life of a Mormon and by extension in the land of Utah. Let’s face it, most do not know much about who Mormons really are. Fret about why Mormons serve missions if you believe its not right for Mormons to try to convert Christians to their religion, seeing how we are all Christians to begin with, but maybe getting to know Mormons is about getting to know something more. Maybe when Mormons get out of themselves they are sincerely answering the call to be less exclusive. It kind of boggles my mind that Americans know so little about a religion that can easily claim to have benefited the most from the religious founding of America. In our short few hundred years of history as a country, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormonism) has developed out of the religious freedoms the land of the brave and home of the free engendered. That climate led to meteoric growth for a church claiming to be a restoration of a fullness of truths, tenets, authority, and ordinances of the actual ancient church our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ established himself. That’s a bold claim. I would go as far to say that it could be attributed as the main cause for both the origins of the said church’s success as well as its toughest criticisms.

How does a people establish a unique culture that both sets them apart and is all inclusive, anyway? Answer: It can’t. But the state of Utah can do a lot more than it is. We can do more to share in each other’s unique ways, respect different beliefs and views, and if we cannot be as one when it comes to religion, perhaps as Utahns, we can be.

First, let’s identify the challenges that existed during the time period of “Sterling Bridge,” that covers, Tooele, Utah from 1926-1934. It was a simpler time (as far as lifestyle goes), which makes it easier to pull out the common basic factors that are at the center of it all, still today: 1) Mormons are the majority; 2) Mormon activities make up a large part of the cultural offering in Utah; 3) Mormons often know what is going on in the area first; 4) Mormons take it for granted that others may not have been informed; 5) Mormons don’t always know their neighbors. They don’t often see them at the activities they attend, in order to really get to know them. 6) Mormons are busily engaged with church obligations as their church is a lay ministry (not a paid clergy so members must volunteer a lot of time to serve in administering the church). 7) Mormons occupy most of the political, school, and other community positions. 8) Mormons worry about either coming on too strong or not strong enough. We want to share what our lives are about and what we offer, if others want to hear it and can respect our place in the world. 9) Fear, not faith, unfortunately is a driving force where some Mormons sometimes fear their neighbors values will rub off on them or their children, more than their desired way of life will influence others for better. 10) Hence, other citizens struggle to find ways to be involved in the mainstream playing, planning, and execution of interactions with the community as a greater whole. But not all. Some jump right in. Naturally, the main factor in all of this stems from number one. The majority makes the rules, written and unwritten. And I would argue that this is the case whether you live in Portland, Utah, California, or Iceland. When in Rome, they say…But let’s not just say that is all that is needed!

We could say it is what it is, which in some ways is how it will always be in a democratic society that favors the majority (I’m even sure some extreme Mormons might wish that they could keep Utah all to themselves forever in every way). We could say as I have heard from an extreme frustrated minority voice (shall we say anti-Mormon) that we should ban Mormons from having any involvement in civic anything. Or both groups can look for ways to live alongside each other and maybe even find important common ground to not just tolerate each other, but rather enjoy each other for those similar aspects of who we are, as I found was very possible when I was the minority in Covington, Indiana. The good news is that Utah has been trending this way for a long time. Most of the difficulties are not because Mormons and their neighbors do not want to be friendly with each other. When there is a problem it usually comes from not realizing that we are not including each other in like-minded functions and pastimes. In other words, it comes from an oversight, not from apathy or malicious intent. Both the inviter and the invitee can do better to make it successful between parties involved. Rather than blame, let’s take credit to do something about it.

In “Sterling Bridge” the main character doesn’t care if you are Mormon, Catholic, or Atheist. It doesn’t matter if you just came from Herzegovina or your great grandpa was one of the first to cross the plains and settle the frontier. Can you learn? Will you play football for him and your team, give your best, and rally around a common cause? He could care less if your accent sounds funny as long as you are trying to communicate the language of the land so that others can attempt to understand you. You see it takes a little on our part to try to fit in and a little on other’s part to accept us for what we bring to the table. Are you easily offended? You like to stir the pot and make offense? Or are you the type of person who not only can fit in where others can’t, but you lead the way to embracing others, even making others feel welcome around you. You can build a bridge of respect, genuine concern, and care and love for people of any caste, clique, or cast-off crowd.

Does it take a hardship such as the Great Depression for people to realize they need each other? Or can we learn from the past, and not let history repeat itself. A common theme in the Book of Mormon: Another testament of Jesus Christ is the pride cycle. When we prosper as a nation under God we are on the verge of a fall, unless we listen to the lessons to be learned, humble ourselves, and give credit to our maker for the opportunities, the abilities, and the blessings that have brought us to where we are. When we think we are better than others we are the ones placing ourselves on a pedestal, and the comparison could not be more far off when we see clearly–being silly in the eye’s of God who knows all men have a long ways to go. When we get complacent and don’t work on improving we are not progressing, which by the way is the whole point of life anyway, to become better. Everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses. It is up to us to see each other as we are, accepting our imperfections, but also not expecting no better, in the future, from one another. We can build each other up without giving or taking offense if both people choose to encourage such behavior. We should be forever learning and always implementing those improvements. Who we are now is not who we should be a thousand tomorrows from now. We are children of an eternal God who sees endless potential in us, His handiwork. He cannot fail, if we give ourselves over to Him by having a love of God and of all men, but we can fail Him. Let’s not fail each other! Let’s see the good in the world, help each other out by lifting our sights and our heights, and be the good in the world.


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