Category Archives: Village Globes

Magi’s Village Globes

A Fantasy Fiction Novel: Inspired by my desire to write a fantastical tale for my children’s bedtime stories and by my love of choose your own adventure style stories (though I’m not sure if I will fashion it after that mold or not).

A thirteen year old, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, part Indian (1/8th part to be exact) has always seen a seemingly magical world with very different eyes. But when his Big Brother mentor picks him up to take him on a camping trip things get more spectacular than ever before. His mentor isn’t phased at all. It’s uncanny how he doesn’t even see the supernatural realm opening up around them.

Suddenly memories are flooding back and the boy realizes he is not simply a foster child at all, whose deadbeat dad is never available for camp outs. No, he is a Safe Keeper of a Village Globe. He just can’t remember which one or where he put it.

His mentor is not completely clueless, either. He has been expecting this. It’s time he tells the boy his real identity. And it’s time the boy learns who he was born to be. In fact, the boy does start to remember one thing of utmost importance: he has a sworn enemy who will be looking for him. His mentor informs him that his so-called dad is that enemy and he will be coming out of the fog of forgetfulness soon as well. He figured it was only a matter of time before he showed up to their camping site to swoop in on his magical white horse and steal away the globe, if he could. The boy needs to remember where the globe is, and fast, so they can protect it.

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